Monday, April 13, 2009

ky's in LOve?

"a weird feeling...
something I shoudn't entertain...
I shouldn't consider my feelings for him..."

Lately, I promised myself to fall in love no more. Awhile ago, a good friend asked if I do fall easily. It hits me, and I answered 'YES'. There's nothing to hide about it, KYLIE falls in love easily. He said right into me that it's no good. Well, yah! Basically, I knew it. I knew what will happen in the end, it's worth trying. How can I help it, this is me. I just love to love,and I'm not afraid to LOVE. I also knew that 'when you love, expect to be hurt... ' That's the basic thing I've learned about love. "You bleed just to know you're ALIVE..." (Iris)

Oh! I just remember a quote...

" to love someone doesn't mean to COMMIT with that person... sometimes you just have to be satisfied with whatever connection you have with that special someone..."

I am pretty much sticking to that quote until now. It's not necessary for me to be in a relationship whenever I fall for someone, the mere fact that I'm talking to him or being with him makes me feel allot better than having nothing at all. the craziest thing I've done when I really like someone is that I tell right infront of him that I LIKE HIM! and I guess running into the basement is one of the crazy things. But then no matter how stupid I was for doing that, at the end I've learned! I've learned that next time I shouldn't be doing those things for someone I like. Let them do their part! *wink*

And now, with no other statement to be said.... I admit I've fallen for him!

He is not Cris! My story with Cris probably end up at the basement of the hospital! He is way better than Cris! That's all I know. He appreciates me a lot and it gives me allot of confidence to face the world.

However, this special sentiments that I have for him will never be voice out. And I will make sure that I will keep this from him forever... Because, first, I know that he doesn't feel the same for me, second... I'm tired!~ If ever, there will come a point in our life that this person will love me, well I just hope that he'll say it out loud... I'll be just right here, waiting...

And if ever! just in case he'll get to read this blog...

>>> ' i've come here not to make you love me, but to let you feel that your so much worth LoVing... ' <<<

I was blessed for God lead me the way to you... yay!

another quote before I end this blog entry...

" one cannot question the existence of feelings.
they are there, raw and undeniable.
but one can choose not to nurture what is felt ---
yet no matter what they say,
what has been felt will always be more honest that what was chosen..." ~anonymous~


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kylie! Sorry kanina. I got disconnected. nwei, I hope ur always doin' owkei. Yngatz Ü
