Wednesday, April 22, 2009

For One More Day

I finally finished reading "For One More Day" by Mitch Albom, the guy who wrote the famous book "Tuesdays With Morrie".

Upon reading the book I just find myself crying, because I am so much affected of the story. It was pretty much like the life of my brother, but not the suicidal part of course!

Well I don't have to narrate the story because it's pretty long.

I just want to write something about my realizations after reading that book.

[+] It was true that we can see the purest love in our mother's eye.

[+] You have to finish college first before anything else. Or in other words "Study first".

[+] Fame is just temporary, so don't be so much attached to it.

[+] Never take for granted your Family.

[+] Regrets is somehow feeling helpless.

[+] You cannot change back the time so make the most out of it. Live, Laugh, Love!

[+] Wait for your time, never rush! death will come to you. Don't be so excited!

[+] Don't drink too much nor smoke, because it kills you slowly.

[+] When death is close to you, you will see your dead relatives and they sort of "SUNDO" you.

[+] When you've done wrong in your past, remember that there's always a room for a change. So find a room for a change and correct whatever you've done wrong.

hmmm so that's all folks...


  1. I too, is much attach with this book. Actually,
    reading the back cover and realizing the backdrop is suicide, I was sorely disappointed by the lack of self-face stabbings.

    Again, picking up this book, I thought to myself, suicide and Mitch Albom... how could I go wrong? But I was wrong, dead wrong.

    From the beginning, Albom signifies his attachment to this book. He is telling this story from notes and interviews he may have had with the main character.

    What I love about the book most is the very idea of someone coming back for a brief time for a conversation or such is endearing. The vehicle chosen to represent it however, is cliche. Once the motion signifying what's happening (trying to avoid spoilers) appears, suspension of belief is dropped. The mystery of what's going to happen is succinct.

    I wouldn't go so far as to define this book as a wake-up call, but it's a nice refresher on the beauty of life. All in all, It's funny, warm and sad all at the same time. Very light but heavy in its message.

    More than anything this is an homage to parents and what they can do for/to you.

    By the way, another interesting read that might interest you and is somewhat related with For One More Day is Paolo Coelho's Veronica Decides to Die. I wasn't so sure if you are familiar with Coelho's writings but Veronica's story is likewise very inspiring although I don't find something new with the plot. It's an age old tale with a timeless moral. Suicide is a very complicated issue, and seemed not to play a big part in Veronika's story.

    You wrote...

    "When you've done wrong in your past, remember that there's always a room for a change. So find a room for a change and correct whatever you've done wrong."

    Amen :)
