Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Turn To You

This blog entry is for my dearest best friend Maryann Constantino aka MEAN. The reason why I'm writing this because I want her to know how thankful I am because I was blessed having her. She was not just a best friend for me, but rather she is my sister.

We've became friends since the start of our class, the very first class we had in 1st year college. I met her on the day of the entrance exam and I never knew that fate will let us met again. On the interview day, again I met her and her mom. And I was really surprised about it, the third time I met her was the first day of class. I was surprised that she was my classmate! I actually didn't expect that we will be classmates. Oh well, from that day on we became friends, the rest was history. All I know is that we were fated to become best friends forever! :)

Mean, as most people knew her was a simple, shy, quiet, introvert, smart, funny, beautiful, demure girl. But there is more about her, when you get the chance to be with her every single day. Haha yes, EVERY SINGLE DAY! Since the start of 3rd year, we are together every single day sometimes even Sundays! Oh pls! don't think one of us is lesbian! The reason why were together every single day, is that we awere group mates in almost all the groupings, why? because our surnames starts with the same letters!

Back to my story...

She was very sweet, thoughtful, loving friend. She is always there for you whenever i feel down. And she never misses a day to make me laugh when I'm having a bad day.

In 3 years of our friendship, we've been through a lot of ups and downs. But we only had a few misunderstanding days. Usually, at the end of the day whatever conflict we had it is settled.

I know her more compared to others, but seriously she still has a lot of things in mind that she wanted to say but cannot really utter it in words.

They say that true friends shares secret with each other right? we've shared a lot of secrets with each other, but when it comes to her secrets I still have to convince her on revealing it to me because she is somewhat reserved. She will just say her secrets once she feels like telling it.

I get used to her, that's all I know. Because there is this days that she was really moody etc.

Me and Mean are two different individuals but we get to work with our differences. But you know somehow, we really have something in common.

She was also one of the reason why I was not giving up on some things. She gives me courage to keep on moving, even if sometimes I wanted to end things up. I know she may not notice it, but she was an angel in disguise. She saves me most of the time.

The space here is not really enough to narrate everything about our friendship.

Oh well, Mean, if you are reading this.... THANK YOU so MUCH dude! I hope our friendship will never last. Thank you for making me feel like one of your family. You know what I'm talking about. And I want you to know that, no matter what happens in the coming days I will always be here for you. You can count on me! And always keep in mind that you were not alone! hahaha (LSS)

Xie Xie MEan!

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