Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy Endings?

This is a response to a friend who is asking me last night if love story from movies really does have a happy endings.

Well, it sure does! If you'll notice most romantic movies end up happily. Only a few romantic movies end up in a tragic way or somehow the lead characters doesn't end up together, one good example is My Best Friend's Wedding and Somewhere in Time.

This may sound bitter for some but I guess happy endings doesn't really exists in the real world. We all know that the end of everything here on earth is DEATH. Come to think of this, are there people who celebrates when one dies? So therefore, there is no happy endings, because all our ending are meant to be sad.

There will always be a happy moments in our life, and everything has an end. And when your happy moment ends its not an happy-ending, keep that in mind. Does anyone in the world who wants their happiness to end? of course none! I myself doesn't want my happiness to end.

In love, even if you get married to the person you love and who loves you its not an happy ending. Because in time your love for each other is tested by fate.

In life, there are so many trials we human beings will have to encounter in our way to success and once we succeed on getting what we've always want, its still not an happy endings. Because there are still a lot of challenges that awaits us.

Happiness is a state of mind or feeling such as contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. (wikipedia). There are so many definitions for that word from different approaches, but for me happiness is being contented on whatever things you've had. People may say they were happy but deep inside are they truly happy? Lack of contentment is one reason why most people here on earth doesn't become happy for a long period time. I cannot blame this people, because even I myself is aiming for a higher level once I get to reach one of my goals.

Oh well, when you really feel happy, you must treasure that chance because you'll never know when will it end.

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